Decimal, binary, hexadecimal conversion

Decimal, binary, hexadecimal conversion, there are two conversion mode: A fast conversion, the other is the hexadecimal conversion tool.

1. A fast conversion

Way 1 Steps (shortcut):

(1) Select the data that will be converted.

(2) Right-click pop-up menu, click "To Dec Bin"

(3) The pop-up dialog box will show the conversion result.

Way 2 Steps (ctrl + left mouse key):

(1) Press Ctrl key.

(2) Select Hex data

(3) Release left mouse key,will pop-up the result window.


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Choose hexadecimal text,the pop-up window, showing the conversion result.

2. Hexadecimal conversion tool

In the Hexadecimal conversion dialog box, in a text box, enter a hexadecimal data format, in other text box to be converted immediately to other binary or decimal data format.


(1) Click menu, tools, HexDecBin converter,pop-up hexadecimal conversion dialog box.

(2) In a text box, enter the data that necessary to convert,other text box will get the conversion result immediately.


serial port monitor